Last night mom said something that was pretty funny. When I go to bed I like to sleep on moms side of the bed, sometimes right on top of mom if I can get away with it. Anyways, I do this little dance where I spin around on the foot of the bed. I almost always lay the same way I do this mostly to annoy dad so he cant see the TV. So while I was spinning last night mom says "Oh boy, its moose flipping time. I get a fifty-fifty chance here. Will I get heads or tails?" She got tails! Nothing like a big moose butt pointing at you to make your evening.
Maybe it was funnier if you were there?
One night last week I found a really tasty chew toy while mom and dad were sleeping. It had lots of business card in it which I didn't find too nummy so I just scattered across the bedroom. I mainly liked the corners and cover of this toy. I chewed it up pretty good. I thought I did a nice job but mom wasnt as pleased as I thought she would be. It turned out okay though. The bank accepted the paycheck that I slobbered and chewed on and dad gave her a new wallet. I've never had a wallet chew toy before, I wonder if I can get another one of those? It was good!
I'll get ya some pics soon.
Moose kisses,
That was a great post. Did you post that to make me feel better about Africa. A wallet is nothing. I need to update my blog because while I have been away Africa chewed a hole in our carpet and the middle cushion of my couch. My husband thought she could be trusted out of the crate while he was gone. I don't want to go home and I am looking for a xxl kong toy now. The wallet was random right? Dozer sticks to his toys now that he is bigger for the most part right? He is getting so big!
He certainly has gotten better and I was surprised when he ate the wallet. He sticks to his toys for the most part these days. He still enjoys some logs off the woodpile while in the yard, but I dont mind that too much. I just wish he wouldnt scatter them all over the yard or put them back when he's done. It makes mowing the grass more of a challenge. ;-) Hang in there, Africa is still a pup doing puppy things.
Yeahyour comment was funny. I feel like I don't fully appreciate Dozer and his entirety because of the lack of pictures. Obviously I am excessive, but I need more Dozer. He is my only boerboel friend to compare and analyze.
Hi There-
We were thrilled to come across your blog. We have Zola-sister to Dozer. She was called Stella by Michaelanne. Like Dozer, she is white with camel colored spots. She suffers from skin allergies too and we are hoping you will contact us and share any advice you may have received over time. We have been seeing a vet for over a year now for allergies. Not much luck and they seem to be worsening. We have ruled out food allergies. The next step is a $1000 skin test in a few months. Maybe you have discovered something we haven't?? We would love to connect, even share a picture. I think they look like brother and sister!
Please email us at
Stacey and Mark in New Mexico
That is cool to reconnect with Dozer's relatives! How fun! Yes a shower is the only way for these big dogs. Our late Tonka took a shower like a champ as well. I don't know what is wrong with Africa not enjoying them, but I hope she will come willingly someday. She is hurting my huband's back with carrying her. He actually sees a chiropractor over her and our last boerboel!
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