Thursday, September 18, 2008

The day after getting cut open

The Moose was released yesterday for the night. He was restricted to light duty, mushy food, and lots of rest and TLC. He almost seems to know he ate something he should not have. He doesn’t want to eat unless I spoon feed him. He didn’t eat much, but he did eat a little so it’s a step in the right direction. His nubby tail was a wigglin most of the night. He was certainly happy to be home with us.

He did very well considering what he has been through. He even barked a few times so he had to be feeling better.

We took him back to the doc today to hang out while we are work. They wanted to keep an eye on him and still needed to take his stint out since he was starting to eat and drink on his own. I thought they were going to do that yesterday. I was getting ready to leave him this morning and they told me a group of kindergarten kids would be visiting and he was going to be a main attraction. I think they were looking forward to him coming back today!

Everybody loves the Moose!

Here's some pics of his big 'ol incision.

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